Bullet proof ref's

Last updated : 05 January 2010 By Daryl Baker

Not only have the FA extended Michael Turner's red card banning from a three to a four match suspension.  They have also slapped a charge of improper conduct on manager Steve Bruce for merely speaking the truth about the skills of referee Andre Mariner.  The same ref that sent off Sunderland striker Kenwyne Jones earlier on in the season, ending in Steve Bruce personally writing to the FA regarding the double standard refereeing show by premier league ref's. 

The sub standard referee clearly killed off what could have been a great game between the two clubs, the game ending up 4-3 to Man City, Mariner halted any chance of a come back by sending off defender Michael Turner.  The incident was clearly a matter of circumstance and not of serious foul play which the replays also have supported.

Steve Bruce has until the 20th Jan to respond to the FA charges.