McCarthy Proud In Defeat

Last updated : 16 January 2006 By Site Editor

"I'm sick we've lost but I'm proud of the way we played and the performance," he said after the 2-1 defeat.

"I guess it's indicative of where the two teams are that it's a deflected shot that's won the game.

"They had chances and Kelvin [Davis] has made some great saves, which I'm delighted about because he's starting to win people over.

"Kelvin's shown a lot of character and he's showing what I saw in him when I brought him here. I said to the players afterwards that I'm full of admiration for them.

"They keep getting over the disappointments and they keep having a go. They have kept their heads up, they show fight and they should take a lot of credit for it.

"It might prove to be too late but if the worst happens and we are relegated, the players will all be better for it. They are starting to improve and look the part."